If you are using this guide to get herbs to use with Alchemy keep in mind that this guide is designed to raise your skill level as quickly as possible, but might not provide you with the herbs you need to make worthwhile Alchemy recipes. If you are power leveling your Alchemy I suggest using this guide to get your Herbalism up initially and then buy the extra supplies you need off the auction house to make additional lower level Alchemy recipes. If gold is a problem check out this Gold Guide.
When following these routes remember that the lines outlined on the map are just basic routes to follow and that the herbs will be spread around on both sides of the lines drawn on each map. Also, if you find you like a certain area or are having a very easy time collecting herbs there then stay in the area longer until all the herbs turn green or gray.
Leveling Sections:
1-70: Peacebloom, Silverleaf, and Earthroot
71-130: Mageroyal, Briarthorn, and Stranglekelp
131-170: Bruiseweed and Wild Steelbloom
171-220: Kingsblood, Liferoot, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, and Khadgar's Whisker
221-270: Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Goldthorn, Sungrass, and Fadeleaf
271-300: Sungrass, Gromsblood, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, and Plaguebloom
301-350: Felweed
351-375: Ragveil and Flame Cap
Gathering Peacebloom, Silverleaf, and Earthroot
Skill: 1-70
Zones: Durotar (1-11), Elwynn Forest (1-10), Teldrassil (1-10), and Tirisfal Glades (1-11)
All of these starting zones are loaded with herbs, you are bound to find loads of them by running just about any where in the
Gathering Mageroyal, Briarthorn, and Stranglekelp
Skill: 71-130
Zone: The Barrens (10-25) and Silverpine Forest (10-20)
If possible, The Barrens is where you want to be for these Herbalism levels; however, I have included a map for Silverpine Forest because it is a decent place to find herbs for these levels.
Gathering Bruiseweed and Wild Steelbloom
Skill: 131-170
Zone: Stonetalon Mountains (14-28)
If you find yourself having a hard time gathering herbs in Stonetalon then you can try out Hillsbrad Foothills, but I recommend sticking with Stonetalon unless for some reason you are having a very difficult time there.
Gathering Kingsblood, Liferoot, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, and Khadgar's Whisker
Skill: 171-220
Zone: Stranglethorn Vale (30-44)
Stranglethorn Vale is loaded with herbs and is my top place to gather at this skill level; however, if you do find yourself getting camped by the opposite faction you can try Arathi Highlands, but stick with Stranglethorn if you can.
Gathering Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Goldthorn, Sungrass, and Fadeleaf
Skill: 221-270
Zone: Tanaris (40-50) and The Hinterlands (40-51)
For these levels I suggest going to Tanaris and collecting enough herbs to reach 230 and then going to The Hinterlands until 270. If you want you can skip Tanaris, but keep in mind that you won't be able to pick Sungrass (which is plentiful in The Hinterlands) until 230. Look for Purple Lotus by the various ruins throughout both zones.
Gathering Sungrass, Gromsblood, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, and Plaguebloom
Skill: 271-300
Zones: Felwood (48-55)
Follow the routes on the map until you hit 300 and then head to Hellfire Peninsula.
Gathering Felweed
Skill: 301-350
Zone: Hellfire Peninsula (58-63)
Hellfire Peninsula is covered with Felweed, use the map as a general guideline to follow but remember that there is basically Felweed anywhere in this zone.
Gathering Ragveil and Flame Cap
Skill: 351-375
Zone: Zangarmarsh (60-64)
Zangarmarsh is one of those zones that is practically covered with herbs. To finish your skill level to 375 I recommend gathering in this zone.
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