воскресенье, 29 июня 2008 г.

WoW Alliance Copper Mining Guide

Here are the Noob School's top places to mine copper in Alliance Territory. If your character is a very low level check the levels of each zone before attempting to mine there.
Where to Mine Copper in Azuremyst Isle

Azuremyst Isle: Levels 1-10

Azuremyst Isle is the starting area for the Draenei and has a few good spots to mine copper. Start south of Azure Watch and follow the path east where it wraps around and then heads back north. Follow the path north, then west along the mountain ridge until it comes to the path. Follow the path north and go into Stillpine Hold (if you can handle the enemies), come out of the cave and loop around the outside of the mountains around Stillpine Hold. Head south back down the path and follow it around the lake (west and south) and then back toward Azure Watch to the east and then repeat the route.
Where to Mine Copper in Dun Morogh

Dun Morogh: Levels 1-10

Dun Morogh is the starting area for Dwarves and Gnomes. The zone is loaded with copper, as are most starting areas. Start at Ironforge and follow the path west along the northern edge of the mountains and then follow it south to where it curves to Gnomeregan. Once you reach the outside of Gnomeregan continue south until you hit Frostmane Hold (the cave), perform a loop inside the cave, come back out, and head southeast along the path until you reach the fork. At the fork head north along the ridge and then follow the path west of Kharanos around the loop where it performs a 180 degree turn back east. Follow the path east all the way until the path goes east no further, and then south along the mountains, and continue west until you get in the area of the Gol'Bolar Quarry. Do a loop around the quarry and come back out heading west, come off of the mountains to hit a very good ridge, and then head south along the ridge back into the loop and continue back around the mining path in whichever direction you wish.
Where to Mine Copper in Elwynn Forest

Elwynn Forest: Levels 1-10

Elwynn Forest is the starting area for Humans. This zone is not as loaded with copper as the other starting areas but there are some cave areas that are heavily loaded with copper to make up for it. You can follow my route or just perform the routes I have on the map in between cave systems if you wish. Starting from Stormwind head southwest along the mining map, loop around to the south until you head back east. Continue east into the Fargodeep Mine, your first cave system (you want to go inside here if possible). After mining this cave head northeast along the path until you reach another cave system (Jasperlode Mine), go into this cave as well. Come back out of the cave and head east, perform a loop around the island (Heroes' Vigil). From this point you can either head back southwest along the path back towards Fargodeep Mine, or you can continue heading east along the mining path. Continuing east along the path follow the mountains around the logging camp until you begin to head southwest towards the Tower of Azora (the tower icon on the map). Gather all the copper around the tower and continue southwest to the mouth of the river where you can perform a loop around the island at the mouth. Once complete head back west on the path to the docks and perform a loop there. After completing the docks head west back into the path and continue going whichever direction that was the most beneficial to you.
Where to Mine Copper in Bloodmyst Isle

Bloodmyst Isle: Levels 10-18

Bloodmyst Isle is the next area Draenei head to after leaving Azuremyst Isle. There are a lot of places to get ore but this mining path represents the best one I've found. Start at Blood Watch and head south along the path, then west along the mountain ridge to the Vector Coil area. From there head north and up into the spider area where it hooks to a dead end, turn around and then east toward Axxarien. From Axxarien head south on the route back to Blood Watch. The next run instead of going up toward the spider area, take the path east around the mountains on the way to Axxarien.
Where to Mine Copper in Darkshore

Darkshore: Levels 9-20

Darkshore is the next area Night Elves are sent to after they complete the quests in their beginning area. There is a good mountain to mine at in the eastern part of this zone with lots of copper veins. Start out anywhere along the mountain to the east and head north or south as preferred. Above Cliffspring Falls (a waterfall in the north) is a cave system with a lot of good veins inside, it is a must stop but can be difficult to clear the humanoids out if you are not high enough level. The further you go to the south or north of Auberdine the harder the enemies will become, as high as the 20s in the very north and south ends. Continue going up and down the mountain, if you get bored there are also some veins near the moonkin area east of Auberdine and their caves that can be used to break the boredom of this route.
Where to Mine Copper in Westfall

Westfall: Levels 10-18

Westfall is the next area for Humans to go to after they complete their beginning quest line in Elwynn Forest. There are only a few really good areas for mining, which are the mountain range to the south and two of the cave systems that will be the main focus of the route. Start the route by heading south from Sentinel Hill and enter onto the mining path and perform a loop in the Defias infested mountains. Then follow the path east along the mountains until you hit the tower. Avoid the tower by going northeast of it and then follow the river north until the path heads northwest. Next follow the path to the west along the coast and then south into the Jangolode Mine. From the mine head back out to the coast and follow it down to the Gold Coast Quarry, go into the mine. Once out of the cave head south along the coast again, then head east back into the beginning loop of this route.
Where to Mine Copper in Loch Modan

Loch Modan: Levels 10-20

Loch Modan is the next area that the Gnomes and Dwarves are sent to after they complete the newbie area of Dun Morogh. It is located to the east of Dun Morogh and of course it is a good mining area because it is occupied by Dwarves (Dwarves are obsessed with mining). Start at Thelsamar and head south, perform a loop around the cave systems in the southwestern part of the zone. Come out of the cave systems and head northwest along the path and continue to follow it north along the western edge of the mountains almost to the outpost graphic on the map. From just south of the outpost graphic on the map head east and do a loop around the mountain and then head north. Once you are at the northern mountains in the zone head east. You have two options while heading east, if you prefer to swim take the solid line and perform a “U” through the lake with find minerals on, if you don't prefer to swim then head across the dotted line which goes across the dam. Continue to head east. Perform a loop through the elite ogre area (Mo'grosh Stronghold) and the caves (if you're able to, otherwise go south along the mountains and skip the cave/elite ogre area). Follow the path until you reach the eastern edge of the mountains. Once you hit the eastern mountains follow the path south, you can come off the mountain on the path to hit the standalone mountain on the map or just continue south and ignore the path. Around the building icon on the map in the southeastern corner head west along the bottom of the mountain that is just north of Ironband's Excavation Site. From the excavation site follow the path west and then south and perform a loop around those mountains. Once you complete the loop head back west toward Thelsamar and start over.
Where to Mine Copper in Instances

If you are looking to mine copper in instances check The Deadmines and Wailing Caverns (located in Horde Territory).

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