воскресенье, 29 июня 2008 г.

WoW Thorium Mining Guide

his is a mining guide for both Small and Rich Thorium Veins.
Where to Mine Thorium in Un'Goro Crater

Un'Goro Crater: Levels 48-55

Un'Goro Crater used to be one of the most heaviest camped zones to farm Thorium. But with the release of the Burning Crusade expansion, Thorium is less important and costly of a resource and there are not as many farmers in this zone. The key points to find Thorium are Fire Plume Ridge, Fungal Rock (the gorilla cave in the northeast), and The Slithering Scar (the insect cave in the south of the zone).
Where to Mine Thorium in Burning Steppes

Burning Steppes: Levels 50-57

Burning Steppes is a personal favorite and probably the best spot to farm Thorium Ore in the game. Following this route always seems to bring in a good amount of Thorium per run and an ample supply of Dark Iron if you stop to mine this on the way. Don't forget to stop in the very northwest area, there is a Thorium spawn that is very reliable and will almost always be there every run of the route unless someone mines it first.
Where to Mine Thorium in Felwood

Felwood: Levels 48-55

Felwood is not a recommended spot to farm Thorium because of all of the low density areas on the route. One good thing about this zone is that you can farm some Timbermaw Hold faction in the very northeast while looking out for Thorium Veins.
Where to Mine Thorium in Eastern Plaguelands

Eastern Plaguelands: Levels 53-60

The key focus points of Eastern Plaguelands are The Infectis Scar, Pestilent Scar, The Noxious Glade, and the area around Northdale. You can also run through Plaguewood and south along the mountain ridge by Corin's Crossing.
Where to Mine Thorium in Silithus

Silithus: Levels 54-60

The focus of mining Thorium in Silithus should be along the mountain ridges where the map indicates that Thorium is in high density. This zone route is very easy to follow while mining Thorium.
Where to Mine Thorium in Blasted Lands

Blasted Lands: Levels 45-55

The key focus points of the Blasted Lands are Dreadmaul Hold, Dreadmaul Post, and Serpent's Coil. Thorium can also be found near The Dark Portal.
Where to Mine Thorium in Winterspring

Winterspring: Levels 53-59

Be very careful when following the route for Winterspring because it will lead you into areas with elite mobs around level 59. Avoid Frostwhisper and Darkwhisper Gorge if you do not want to have to dodge around or kill elite enemies. Stick to focusing your time around Lake Kel'Theril and Frostsaber Rock.
Where to Mine Thorium in Azshara

Azshara: Levels 45-55

Azshara is not a recommended area to efficiently mine Thorium. As you can see on the map there are only a few areas that have a good density of Thorium. The best one being the area in the very southeast.
Where to Mine Thorium in Western Plaguelands

Western Plaguelands: Levels 50-58

If you are in Western Plaguelands mining Thorium you must have not had any success in the previous zones mentioned above. Hearthglen is an area full of higher level humanoids and the Weeping Cave is the other area that has any density of Thorium. There are just these two spots, which might not keep you occupied while you try to farm Thorium.
Where to Mine Thorium in Instances

If you are looking to mine Thorium in an instance check out Dire Maul (52-60)

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