воскресенье, 29 июня 2008 г.

WoW Truesilver Mining Guide

Truesilver is a rare node that often spawns in place of Mithril. You will most likely encounter Truesilver Veins while following the routes illustrated in The Noob School's WoW Mithril Mining Guide. These Truesilver routes have worked best for me, if you have no success with these routes then the Mithril mining routes will work instead. Please remember that Truesilver is a rare resource and not easy to farm. To better your success at finding Truesilver you will want to mine all the Mithril nodes while following these routes.
Where to Mine Truesilver in Burning Steppes

Burning Steppes: Levels 50-57

Burning Steppes is a zone that I use heavily to farm Thorium, but you will find as you progress through this Truesilver route that there will be Dark Iron Deposits as well that could be mined. The hot spots for Truesilver are Dreadmaul Rock, the southern path in the route, and the far eastern path in the route.
Where to Mine Truesilver in The Hinterlands

The Hinterlands: Levels 40-51

To use The Hinterlands as an effective Truesilver source I recommend including Jintha'Alor in the route. You will have to run through a lot of enemies to get to the top where the cave is but it will be worth your time if you don't die too much. Skulk Rock is another good area of this route.
Where to Mine Truesilver in Un'Goro Crater

Un'Goro Crater: Levels 48-55

The gorilla cave in the northeast (Fungal Rock) is usually a good source of Truesilver deposits, as is most of the northern and southern ridge. From time to time Truesilver Deposits also spawn in the center mountain area (Fire Plume Ridge) but this area is sometimes heavily camped. Drop into the insect cave system in the south (in The Slithering Scar) if crowding of this route is a problem on your server.
Where to Mine Truesilver in Searing Gorge

Searing Gorge: Levels 43-49

The western ridge and the cave systems inside the crater (The Cauldron) in the center of the zone are the focus points of this route, but be sure to drop into all caves that the route touches.
Where to Mine Truesilver in Badlands

Badlands: Levels 35-44

There are really only 2 areas to focus on in this zone, Dustbelch Grotto in the southwest, and Lethlor Ravine in the east. If you completely mine either one of those routes take the low density path in between them.
Where to Mine Truesilver in Eastern Plaguelands

Eastern Plaguelands: Levels 53-60

The Infectis Scar to the west of Corin's Crossing and the Pestilent Scar near Light's Hope Chapel are good areas to farm Truesilver. There are a few other focus points as illustrated on the route, but I have found the valleys to be best in this zone. I don't recommend Eastern Plaguelands as a good spot to gather Truesilver because of the high level mobs in this zone.

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