воскресенье, 29 июня 2008 г.

WoW Gold Mining Guide

old is a rare node that often spawns in place of Iron. You will most likely encounter gold veins while following the routes illustrated in the WoW Iron Mining Guide. The following gold routes have worked best for me, if you have no success with these routes then using the iron mining routes will work instead. Please remember that gold is a rare resource and is not easy to farm. To better your success at finding gold you will want to mine all the iron nodes while following these routes.
Where to Mine Gold in Badlands

Badlands: Levels 35-44

Gold in Badlands

The key areas of this route where I've found the most gold are the Dustbelch Grotto cave in the southwest, the northwest rock elemental area (north of Kargath), and the entire Lethlor Ravine, which isn't included in the iron mining route but for some reason seems to have a higher probability of spawning gold in place of the few iron deposits in that area from my experience.
Where to Mine Gold in Arathi Highlands

Arathi Highlands: Levels 30-39

There are two decent circuits that can be run to get gold in Arathi Highlands. The western circuit has two focus points, the coastal area southwest of Stromgarde Keep and the ogre cave (Boulderfist Outpost) to the west of Refuge Point. The eastern route has more focus areas than the western route. In the eastern route Boulderfist Hall (caves in the south), the cave in the southeast near Witherbark Village, and Drywhisker Gorge (the kobold cave) in the northeast are very good places to look for gold veins.
Where to Mine Gold in Stranglethorn Vale

Stranglethorn Vale: Levels 30-44

The key focus points for mining gold in Stranglethorn Vale are The Stockpile (cave in the northeast) and the entire eastern ridge line of Stranglethorn Vale.
Where to Mine Gold in Alterac Mountains

Alterac Mountains: Levels 30-40

The top ring of the circuit inside the Ruins of Alterac is the primary area to focus on finding gold veins. If you complete the circuit before the veins respawn then perform the entire loop around the Ruins of Alterac.
Where to Mine Gold in Searing Gorge

Searing Gorge: Levels 43-49

Searing Gorge is a higher level zone that has few spawns of iron to begin with so gold veins are very rare in this zone. However, if you are in Searing Gorge here is the route I have found gold veins to be the most plentiful. I do not recommend that you use this route or zone as an effective area to mass farm gold but it is an option available.
Where to Mine Gold in The Hinterlands

The Hinterlands: Levels 40-51

The route outlined on the map is probably the safest and most efficient route in this zone. There are areas where gold veins can spawn inside Jinth'Alor and north toward Seradane but they are not worth the time it takes to break into the areas. The key focus point to this route is the southwest mountain ridge and Skulk Rock.
Where to Mine Gold in Instances

If you are looking for gold in instances check out Uldaman (35-45), Maraudon (40-49), and Razorfen Kraul (24-33).

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