среда, 2 июля 2008 г.

What is the Role of a Mage in Groups?

The general main role of Mages is to DPS like crazy, so in a group setting Mages are often pulled in for this ability; however, there are a few other reasons that make Mages highly desirable group mates. Mages are often used as a source of crowd control in group settings and the addition of a Mage to a group can sometimes allow a group to break through an area in an instance they otherwise couldn't without the Mage. Frost Mages are often used to pull mobs because they can shield and block themselves from enemy attacks. Mages are also able to buff group members, port them to major cities, and summon food and drink. The benefits of having a Mage in a group are plentiful and go beyond the reasons mentioned here.

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